Yonsei Business Research Institute

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Research Center

YSB Center for Global ESG and Business Ethics

The Center plans to run, among others, the following activities:

  • A multidisciplinary research seminar series on business ethics and ESG
  • Organizing an International Annual symposium
  • Hosting round table discussions and events with socially remarkable corporate leaders
  • Collaborating with other international organizations and business ethics centers
  • Conducting joint research on ESG management, internal control, and business ethics with industry leaders and organizations

Total: 117 data, Page 5 of 12

Subject Read
2021.12.8 ¡¸Corporate Reputation Management¡¹ 517
2021.12.03. ¡¸ESG Management and Social Impact¡¹ Conference 486
2021.11.01. ¡¸ESG Management and Zero Waste¡¹ 521
2021.10.31. ¡¸ESG Innovation of Incheon International Airport¡¹ 496
2021.10.13. ¡¸ESG Management at Lucid Promo¡¹ 517
2021.10.11. ¡¸Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ESG Newsletter¡¹ 508
2021.10.6. ¡¸Theory of Justice and Virtue Ethics Seminar¡¹ 593
2021.10.1. ¡¸Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, Article¡¹ 605
2021.9.30. ¡¸The Origin and Development of ESG, Science & Technology¡¹ 520
2021.9.15. ¡¸ESG and Institutional Shareholders Seminar¡¹ 534


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