Yonsei Business Research Institute

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Research Center

YSB Center for Global ESG and Business Ethics

The Center plans to run, among others, the following activities:

  • A multidisciplinary research seminar series on business ethics and ESG
  • Organizing an International Annual symposium
  • Hosting round table discussions and events with socially remarkable corporate leaders
  • Collaborating with other international organizations and business ethics centers
  • Conducting joint research on ESG management, internal control, and business ethics with industry leaders and organizations
II Global Business Ethics Case Competition - Boston University (USA), Newcastle University (UK), Fudan University (Shanghai, China) the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (India), St. Gallen University (Switzerland) and Yonsei University
Date: 2017-09-18  |  Read: 5,272



6 Universities. 5 time zones. 3 continents. Are you up for the challenge?

If you’re looking for a challenge and want to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to a real life business case look no further than our unique global case competition!

Join a unique collaboration between six universities across three continents and six time zones in our exclusive global business case competition, through our Academic Collaboration Network.

You will work in teams with students from top global institutions Boston University (USA), Newcastle University (UK), Fudan University (Shanghai, China) the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (India), St. Gallen University (Switzerland) and Yonsei University (South Korea).

How it works

  • Fuji Xerox China Ltd will provide teams with a business case
  • Teams will have 2 ½ weeks to work on the case virtually across time zones and continents.
  • Teams will produce a 2-3 page executive summary and a 5 minute video, which will be reviewed by the judges
  • Also, a 2 page document outlining how the team collaborated across time zones and continents     

Why take part

  • Challenge yourself, working virtually with your team across time zones- skills you can evidence to future employers
  • Boost your CV (resume) and enhance your network
  • Apply the theory taught in your degree programme to a real life business scenario
  • Find out how global organization Fuji Xerox China Ltd, operates
  • Work with a mentor, who will provide advice and guidance to your team during the competition
  • Cash prizes of $2000 for the winning team and $1000 for the runners up!

Competition timeline

  • Wednesday 11th October: Application deadline
  • Tuesday 31st October: Competition launch day and introduction to your teammates
  • Friday 17 November: Case competition judging

Applications are now open! Apply as an individual, or as part of a team of two, by submitting your application form and CV to your competition organizer, prof. Andres Guiral (andres.guiral@yonsei.ac.kr) by Wednesday 11th October. See the application form attached.

Please note you will be expected to work on the competition during evenings and weekends

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