Yonsei Business Research Institute

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About YBRI

2017. 06 Holds the symposium "The 3rd Management research of North-Korean Firms"
2017. 06 Holds the 2nd Lunch Forum about "the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
2017. 05 Hosts the 3rd Advisory Board on YBRI
2017. 05 Holds the 1st Lunch Forum about "the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
2017. 03 Professor Yang, Hyuck Seung was inaugurated as the 15th director of YBRI
2016. 11 Hosts an Interdisciplinary Fusion Research Seminar
2016. 09 Holds "Fusion Researchers Council"
2016. 07 Holds "2016 HubCon Conference"
2016. 07 Holds the symposium "The 2nd Management research of North-Korean Firms"
2016. 05 Runs the program of "Yonsei HeTAC(Health Technology Acceleration and Commercialization)"
2016. 05 Hosts the 2nd Advisory Board on YBRI
2016. 03 Holds monthly seminars "2016 YKM100 Seminar" of Management Research of Korean Firms
2015. 11 Holds the symposium "The 1st Management research of North-Korean Firms"
2015. 11 Holds the international symposium "The 1st Management research of Korean Firms"
2015. 10 Runs the 1st program of "Tech-Start Me Up(Tech-SMU) Academy"
2015. 10 Hosts an Interdisciplinary Fusion Research Seminar
2015. 09 Holds "Fusion Researchers Council"
2015. 09 Hosts the 1st Advisory Board on YBRI
2015. 06 Holds "2015 HubCon Conference"
2015. 06 Professor Jinwoo Kim was inaugurated as the 14th director of YBRI
2015. 05 Holds monthly seminars "2015 YKM100 Seminar" of Management Research of Korean Firms
2015. 05 Holds "Yonsei -Dhaka Joint Conference 2015"
2015. 01 Holds the New Year Seminar "Lessons from European Corporations : Management Model and Future Challenges"
2014. 11 Holds the 2nd CEO Forum "The competitiveness of Top management - Korean Firms' Strengths and Weaknesses by Japan"
2014. 06 Executing an MOU with Economic Management school of Yanbian University, China
2014. 02 Executing an MOU with Yonsei University medical school and Management Institute
2013. 11 Holds the International Conference "The comparison of enterprise ecosystem between Korea and Taiwan"
2013. 11 Holds the 1st CEO Forum "Waging War on Complexity Costs"
2013. 11 Holds "2013 Yonsei-Aalto Case Competition"
2013. 09 Professor Kim, Dong Hoon was inaugurated as the 13th director of YBRI
2013. 05 Holds a seminar on Sheryl Sandberg the author of <Lean In>
2012. 12 Holds the Sangnam Forum "International Conference of Human Centered Social Innovation Center in Yonsei"
2012. 11 Holds the International Conference "Hidden Champions in Korea, Japan and China"
2012. 05 Holds the Sangnam Forum "New Frontier in Global Supply Chain Management"
2011. 12 Holds the Sangnam Forum "Expanding Marketing Research Frontiers in Asia"
2011. 09 Professor Chang, Dae Ryun was inaugurated as the 12th director of YBRI
2011. 05 Holds the International Conference "Net-Commerce: Social Influence and Value Creation"
2010. 10 Selected as the outstanding research center in Yonsei University's Humanities and Social Science Division(2008-2009)
2010. 04 Holds the International Conference "Corporate Social Responsibility & Social Enterprise-Experiences and Challenges of Norway and Korea"
2009. 10 Holds the International Conference "Activating Corporate and National Branding through Sponsorships"
2009. 09 Professor Kim, In Joon was inaugurated as the 11th director of YBRI
2008. 10 Selected as the outstanding research center in Yonsei University's Humanities and Social Science Division(2006-2007)
2008. 05 Holds the International Conference "Integration Strategy for Korean/Chinese/Japanese Movie Industry"
2007. 08 Holds a forum "Management with Company: Applause to our company"
2007. 04 Professor Park, Heung Soo was inaugurated as the 10th director of YBRI
2007. 04 Holds workshops in Vietnam. Research Exchange Agreements was made with Vietnam National University and HoChiMinh Univeristy.
2006. 11 Holds the 7th Sangnam Forum "New Paradigm of the Digital Convergence Era"
2006. 10 Selected as the outstanding research center in Yonsei University's Humanities and Social Science Division(2004-2005)
2006. 09 Holds the 6th KCMC forum "Asian Corporations and Capitalism"
2006. 08 Professor Kim, Jee Hong was inaugurated as the 9th director of YBRI
2006. 04 Holds the 2nd symposium in collaboration with Zhejiang University, China
2005. 12 Holds a symposium "The Past and Prospective of Korean Pop Music Industry"
2005. 10 Holds a conference commemorating Yonsei University 120th Anniversary: "Korean Economy and Firms at the Crossroads"
2005. 09 Professor Chang, Dae Ryun was inaugurated as the 8th director of YBRI
2005. 06 Holds the 6th Sangnam Forum "The Past, Present and Future of Asian Pop Culture Industry"
2005. 03 Holds the 11th Forum on "Asian Corporations and Capitalism"
2005. 03 Revitalizing Specialty Stores
2004. 12 Selected as the most outstanding research center in Yonsei University¡¯s Humanities and Social Science Division (2002-2003)
2004. 11 Holds "Global Blending Conference : Brand Convergence" (Sponsored by B&B Marketing Research Center, Center on Global Brand Leadership of Columbia University)
2004. 10 Holds YBRI workshops in Shanghai, China
2004. 09 Receives research fund by the Korea Research Foundation for Fostering Essential Learning in Humanities and Social Science Division (Project: "Sustainable Society for Investment Environment and Transparency")
2004. 03 Holds workshops "Worldwide Mobile Internet Study"
2004. 02 Holds the 5th Sangnam Forum
2003. 09 Professor Oh, Se Jo was inaugurated as the 7th director of YBRI
2003. 06 Officially renamed as "Yonsei Business Research Institute"
2003. 02 Holds the 4th Sangnam Forum "Conference commemorating the retirement of professor Ki-Young Kim"
2002. 12 Selected as the most outstanding research center in Yonsei University¡¯s Humanities and Social Science Division (2000-2001)
2002. 10 Holds a symposium "Global Brand Management : the Myths and Realities"
2002. 02 Holds the 3rd Sangnam Forum "Post-PC Information Society : Opportunities and Challenges"
2001. 02 Holds an academic conference commemorating the retirement of Professor Hak-Jong Lee

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