Yonsei Business Research Institute

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Research Center

YSB Center for Global ESG and Business Ethics

The Center plans to run, among others, the following activities:

  • A multidisciplinary research seminar series on business ethics and ESG
  • Organizing an International Annual symposium
  • Hosting round table discussions and events with socially remarkable corporate leaders
  • Collaborating with other international organizations and business ethics centers
  • Conducting joint research on ESG management, internal control, and business ethics with industry leaders and organizations
2024.04.19. ¡¸Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership, Corporate Governance and ESG Strategies¡¹
Date: 2024-04-30  |  Read: 269

Professor Ho-Young Lee of the Center gave a special lecture on ‘Corporate Governance and ESG Strategy’ at the Advanced Management Program held by the Sangnam Management Institute and the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership on April 19.

End of Contents

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